Meet our alumni

Meet our alumni

Nicole Lew - Graphic Design & Foundation of Design

Nicole Lew

Original program: Graphic Design & Foundation of Design

Alumni Information
School: LaSalle College Vancouver/Dubrulle Culinary Arts
Grad Year: 2012
Program of Study: Graphic Design & Foundation of Design
Degree: Diploma

Employment/Professional Information
Company Name: Numinix Web Development
Location: Vancouver
Job Title: Web/Graphic Designer
Primary Responsibilities: Collaborate with the design and development team to create web and print collateral, including websites, graphics, logos and stationery for both internal and external clients.

Describe a typical work day:

I review my task list and work on the highest priority projects first. When I need to, I check in with the lead designer and project developer for feedback and direction. At the end of the day, I review my tasks and update the team on my progress.

What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of?

Transferring my design skills from print to web. While design principles still apply to web design, there are a lot of differences between the platforms that can take some getting used to. While I still have much to learn, I’m constantly eager to improve and never stagnate.

What are your creative inspirations or influences? Who are your heroes?

I enjoy the work of Stefan Sagmeister, Andrio Abero and Emil Kozak. They all find clever, visually appealing solutions that simply work.

What do you enjoy the most about your career?

Successfully creating visual/usable solutions for clients that help them to more effectively communicate with others. For example, if I can design a website that is highly user-friendly while reflecting both the personality and message(s) that the client wants to convey, I’ve been successful.

How did your education at LaSalle College Vancouver help prepare you for your career?

Beyond helping me to develop my technical skills and knowledge of design, certain instructors and challenging projects helped me to develop the confidence to take creative initiative in my career.

What advice do you have for people beginning their careers in your profession?

Stay passionate about design by getting involved in work that you enjoy and care about. If you’re in a job that doesn’t satisfy your creative needs but gives you stability, stay creative by attending industry events and doing fulfilling work on the side. When you’re ready and able to, do what you love full time as soon as possible.

Your profession is constantly evolving, from the technology you use to new career opportunities that didn’t exist five years ago. What trends do you see on the horizon that will affect how you do your job or your profession at-large?

Design is becoming more web-based with web, UI and mobile app design positions on the rise. As a result, companies are increasingly looking for designers that have both print and web design experience and knowledge.

Open House | LaSalle College Vancouver, 2665 Renfrew St, Vancouver, BC V5M 0A7

Open House & Portfolio Show

Join us for our In-Person Open House to learn about our different schools, available programs, creative careers, and on-campus facilities!
  • September 24, 2024
  • 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM