Student Success

A vocalist recording vocals while a pianist accompanies in a soundproof studio.

Notable Alumni

Transforming spaces, touching lives
This school has helped me find my spotlight.
Sophia Guzman's Journey
Discover inspiration in sustainable design practices 
Sustainable Fashion Design Methodology: Ana's Journey 
From Ecuador to the Frontlines of Fashion 
An exercise in visual communication 

One-on-one Career Services

Meet with a Career Services advisor to talk about your goals and sharpen your job-search, résumé, or interview skills. Attend workshops and presentations to support your career development.
Portfolio Shows

Connect face-to-face at Career-Services organized professional-focused events with potential employers in your field.

Alumni Community

Join a community of LaSalle College Vancouver alumni living out dream careers, connect with grads in your field of study, and start building your professional network.

Internship Programs

Gain valuable experience and make connections in your field through for-credit Internships as part of some LaSalle College Vancouver programs.

Student Employment Services

Want to work part-time while you study? Get support in your job search. LaSalle College Vancouver also offers freelance job opportunities that connect qualified learners with local clients.

Learner Spotlight

Artistic Talent Spotlight 
I wanted to have a proper education in order to advance my skills in film editing.
Rising Star at Fashion Week. Sophia Perez win’s the student show award!
Interior Design Degree student steals the show
Discover portfolios

Explore the creative output of our students, alumni, and teacher from.