Joyful students exchange ideas and share a laugh at a college networking event.
Joyful students exchange ideas and share a laugh at a college networking event.

Life at LaSalle College Vancouver

Share your best moments

Connect, share, & discover

A focused male artist sketches on a chalkboard, detailing a human portrait with white chalk, surrounded by colorful chalk text.
A Year of Creativity
A chef transfers a bright orange sauce from one measuring jug to another, with precision and care.
Culinary Field Trip to The Parq
Model showcasing a black crop top ensemble on the runway during a fashion show, with attentive audience in the background.
Vancouver Fashion Week Recap

Explore LaSalle College Vancouver's facilities, learner spaces, & activities

Fashion Designer at Work
Jewelry Workshop Focus
Creative Vision
Design Students Collaborating
Sound Engineers at Mixing Console
Artistic Process
Mentorship in Culinary Arts
Advanced Fashion Labs 
Built to rival fashion ateliers at top brands, our campus boasts two modern textile labs equipped with cutting-edge technology, industrial machinery, surface design lab, fashion software access. All learners need to bring is their creativity!
Fashion Designer at Work
Jewelry Workshop Focus
Creative Vision
Design Students Collaborating
Sound Engineers at Mixing Console
Artistic Process
Mentorship in Culinary Arts

Student top pics

Best places to eat, study, and hangout

Model showcasing a black crop top ensemble on the runway during a fashion show, with attentive audience in the background.
The walk, the hair, the make-up: It’s the details that bring a fashion show to life.
A SkyTrain overpass in Vancouver featuring curved architecture and signage, under a blue sky.
Easily Accessible Campus
A cozy reading area in a library with bookshelves, an armchair, and a side table, highlighted by green floor markings.
LCV Library: Your Hub of Resources
A group of proud graduates posing with their diplomas on stairs, with spectators capturing the memorable occasion.
Celebrating Academic Brilliance: Spotlight on Excellence