Career Services

You’ll work hard to earn your degree. We’ll work hard to help you launch your career.
At LaSalle College Vancouver, your instructors will do everything they can to help you build the marketable skills and mental toughness to compete in the real world. But the support doesn’t end there. Our Career Services team offers a bundle of valuable resources to help you plan and launch your professional future. Here are a few:
Seminars on writing resumes & cover letters, interviewing, and networking skills.
One-on-one mock interview training.
Portfolio show with local employers.
Portfolio show with local employers.
Job search support including database of employers who have hired our alumni.
Help to find internships and freelance opportunities.
Job Search Skills
As you approach graduation—and the job market—you’ll want to meet one-on-one with a Career Services advisor to talk about your goals and ways you can sharpen your job-search strategy, interview techniques, and resume. Then you’ll have a chance to attend workshops and presentations on topics that may include:
Resume writing and review
One-on-one mock interview training.
Cover letter writing
Social Media 101
Alumni panels
Industry professional speakers
Portfolio Review
Our Career Services Department organizes professional-focused events designed to put you face-to-face with potential employers from the industry you plan to enter. The highlight is a quarterly Portfolio Show, where those employers will see examples of your best work. It’s a way for them to evaluate your talents—and a way for you to make a big impression.
Alumni Community
Our grads are out there pursuing careers in the design, media arts, fashion, and culinary industries. Meeting tough challenges, re-shaping the creative world, and most of all, doing what they love. Visit our Portfolios platform and explore ways you can connect with grads in your field of study and start building a professional network of professionals who can help advance your own career.
Contact Us
To speak with your career services advisor or another member of the career services team, reach out to the Career Services Department.
Career Services
604 683-2006 ext. 8982