Meet our alumni

Meet our alumni

Tabitha Woodman - Fashion Marketing

Tabitha Woodman

Original program: Fashion Marketing

Alumni Information
School: LaSalle College Vancouver
Grad Year: 2012
Program of Study: Fashion Marketing
Degree: Diploma

Employment/Professional Information
Company Name: Menard Agency
Location: Vancouver
Job Title: Sales Associate
Primary Responsibilities: Sales Representative of Kids Bench for Western Canada.

What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of?

Graduating school while working a part-time job and having two internships.

What are your creative inspirations or influences? Who are your heroes?

I get inspiration from everything I see around me; magazines, nature, TV, and people passing by. My friends are great influences on me with everything in my life, they just want what’s best for me.

What do you enjoy the most about your career?

The people. Everyone I have worked with so far has been friendly, easy to get along with and great to work with. If I have questions, they are there to help. Plus the clothes are amazing!

How did your education at LaSalle College Vancouver help prepare you for your career?

My education helped prepare me for my career because by going to LaSalle College I met Kevin Wall, who helped me find my first internship. From there I got a second internship and now I have a job from my first internship. Without meeting Kevin at this school, I would have never gotten all of these wonderful opportunities.

What advice do you have for people beginning their careers in your profession?

It’s hard work. Do not think that, just because you are going into fashion it means it is easy. Starting off it will be tough, but you need to put in your time and effort to make everything pay off. Also, network with everyone you meet, you never know who can help you with what you need.

Your profession is constantly evolving, from the technology you use to new career opportunities that didn’t exist five years ago. What trends do you see on the horizon that will affect how you do your job or your profession at-large?

I see everything becoming more computer based than it already is. Going into the future with fashion, people will online shop more than they already do. This will then affect the retail stores’ profits.