Clement Chan
Alumni Information
School: LaSalle College Vancouver
Grad Year: 2002–2003
Program of Study: Baking & Pastry Arts
Degree: Diploma
Employment/Professional Information
Company Name: Le Tigre
Location: Vancouver
Job Title: Owner
Primary Responsibilities: Running the business
Describe a Typical Work Day:
Food prep then load the truck. Set the truck and open for lunch. Lunch ends about 2:30 PM. Unload the truck.
What accomplishments are you proud of?
Owning my own business, of course. Winning the Rising Star trophy hosted by The Art Institutes in 2007. Winning the Chef of the Year Competition for B.C. Western Canada as well as Canada. Being able to be on Top Chef Canada and Eat ST. Representing Canada on the Canadian Culinary Team.
What are your creative inspirations or influences? Who are your heroes?
All the great chefs that paved the way for future chefs. My parents. All the chefs I’ve worked with through the years. David Wong and Susur Lee.
What do you enjoy the most about your career?
Everything! I get to do everything I love and I make money, too! What more can you ask for?
How did your education at LaSalle College Vancouver help prepare you for your career?
It prepared me to get into the field as it is a very tough business. You definitely need guidance.
What advice do you have for people beginning their careers in your profession?
Make sure you love it because you will be living it for the rest of your life.
Your profession is constantly evolving, from the technology you use to new career opportunities that didn’t exist five years ago. What trends do you see on the horizon that will affect how you do your job or your profession at-large?
The technology now is great – it saves a lot of time, works and also maintains consistency but just remember we still need to know how to cook. FUNDAMENTALS FIRST!