Meet our alumni

Duncan Campbell

Game Art & Design

Alumni Information
School: LaSalle College Vancouver
Grad Year: 2011
Program of Study: Game Art & Design
Degree: Diploma

Employment/Professional Information
Company Name: Electronic Arts
Location: Burnaby
Job Title: Marketing Asset Coordinator
Primary Responsibilities: Video Production.

Describe a Typical Work Day:

Producing and coordinating various materials for marketing purposes.

What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of?

I was the sole coordinator for the annual TV ad for FIFA. This was a large undertaking and I slaved for it. To see my work on international television is such an amazing feeling.

What are your creative inspirations or influences? Who are your heroes?

Will Wright was my first hero in this industry. Now that I’m in the industry and I’ve learned more about VFX, film, animation, etc., my heroes now include Michel Gondry, Brad Bird and a few others.

What do you enjoy the most about your career?

I enjoy bringing my creative work to the masses. I love providing a sense of entertainment to people, I always have. My career as it stands currently allows me to express my creativity and reach a huge audience. It’s hard to complain about that.

How did your education at LaSalle College Vancouver help prepare you for your career?

My education at LaSalle College Vancouver helped me gain an understanding of the life and culture of the games industry directly, and its neighbours (VFX, film, animation, etc.) indirectly. It’s incredibly valuable to be immersed in an environment where you can gain this experience. I learned how to produce and develop art in forms that I could turn into a career.

What advice do you have for people beginning their careers in your profession?

Stay connected, stay informed, stay agile. This industry is technically very small and it’s easy to make a reputation. It can also turn on a dime, so you have to be aware of what’s going on and what might happen. Lastly, opportunities ebb, flow, emerge, and disappear based on the state of the industry, so you have to be willing to alter the course of your career.

Your profession is constantly evolving, from the technology you use to new career opportunities that didn’t exist five years ago. What trends do you see on the horizon that will affect how you do your job or your profession at-large?

We’re on the brink of a new console generation and I think this is the biggest series of events that will have occurred, in the games industry directly, in the last few years. Social, mobile, free-to-play games are certainly on the rise, and the industry as a whole has evolved a lot in the last short while, but the coming of new consoles will definitely change the landscape once again. This will involve new technologies, new platforms, and certainly new ways to interface with entertainment as a whole.