
Game Design and Programming

Tech Team in Sync
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Put your tech know-how to creative use. Hone one of the most in-demand skillsets in video games: Game Design and Programming. Realize game visions, program new game realities, and master the science of interactive visuals and video games. LaSalle College Vancouver's Diploma in Game Design and Programming: Spark imaginations and launch a creative and in-demand career.
Next session starts April 7, 2025
15 months (5 quarters, 1100 hours)
Teaching language
Mode of Delivery

Start Dates

Three people, wearing different outfits, jump against a clear blue sky.

Your Dream Future, Within Reach

Budget Friendly. Future Ready.

Get a quality education that’s both budget-friendly and future-ready—so you can
jumpstart the creative career of your dreams, without compromise.

How to Apply

Inspiring stories

Empower your ambition with our students' success stories. Unlock a career that lives up to your aspirations.

Mystical Floating Platforms Game Level
A student project becomes a smash hit with over 100 thousand downloads on the popular gaming platform within days of release.

Campus Life

Make the Most of Your Campus Experience

Learn more
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