Fashion Design

Fashion Designer at Work
  • Textile Creation
    Fashion Design
    Bring West Coast innovation to global haute couture. Craft your future in fashion with LaSalle College Vancouver's unique Bachelor of Design in Fashion Design, one of Canada's exclusive three Fashion Bachelor Degree programs.

    • Starts October | April
    • On-campus | Vancouver
    • Taught in English
    • 3 years (10 quarters, 2312 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
    Fashion Design
  • Crafting Elegance
    Fashion Design
    Transform design ideas into garments and accessories, and gain experience with the business side of the fashion industry.

    • Starts October | April
    • On-campus | Vancouver
    • Taught in English
    • 15 months (5 quarters, 1100 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
    Fashion Design
  • Fitting Session in Progress
    Fashion Styling (Online)
    Make heads turn with LaSalle College Vancouver's Online Diploma in Fashion Styling. Take the lead on diverse projects in personal and commercial fashion styling. Build a professional portfolio and start your career in style!

    • Starts May
    • Online | Vancouver
    • Taught in English
    • 16 months (4 semesters, 825 hours)
    • Full-time | evening
    Fashion Styling (Online)

Not sure which program fits you best?

Let's figure this out together!


Make the Most of Your Campus Experience

Fashion Model on Catwalk
The walk, the hair, the make-up: It’s the details that bring a fashion show to life.
Vancouver SkyTrain Overpass
Easily Accessible Campus
Library Reading Area
LCV Library: Your Hub of Resources
Graduation Ceremony Moment
Celebrating Academic Brilliance: Spotlight on Excellence