Hotel Management

Hotel Concierge with Tablet
  • Seasoned Greetings
    Hospitality & Restaurant Business Management
    Excellent food, theatre-like atmosphere: Great Hospitality is so much more than food on a plate. Create and lead exceptional guest experiences in an exciting career in Hospitality & Restaurant Business Management.

    • Starts April
    • On-campus | Vancouver
    • Taught in English
    • 12 months (4 quarters, 880 hours)
    • Full-time | daytime
    Hospitality & Restaurant Business Management

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Make the Most of Your Campus Experience

Fashion Model on Catwalk
The walk, the hair, the make-up: It’s the details that bring a fashion show to life.
Vancouver SkyTrain Overpass
Easily Accessible Campus
Library Reading Area
LCV Library: Your Hub of Resources
Graduation Ceremony Moment
Celebrating Academic Brilliance: Spotlight on Excellence

Open House | LaSalle College Vancouver, 2665 Renfrew St, Vancouver, BC V5M 0A7

Open House & Portfolio Show

Join us for our In-Person Open House to learn about our different schools, available programs, creative careers, and on-campus facilities!
  • September 24, 2024
  • 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM